Monday, July 16, 2012

Going raw!

Before Ed brought up the option of feeding Arya raw food I didn't even consider it. I didn't know pets were actually fed raw food. It took a lot of convincing for me to agree to try raw food. I just couldn't wrap my mind around. Also, being a bio major I have a lot of concerns, like Salmonella. What if she get's it? I know how bad the effects are to humans. However, Ed did his research prepared to persuade me into trying raw. Apparently a dog's stomach can handle Salmonella better than we can.

Arya's first raw food was chicken legs. Again I freaked out. I left her with Ed and when I came back she was half way through the bone. THE BONE! But I found out that as long as the chicken is raw, the bone is okay to eat. But I was still worried.

The next time Ed went to the meat store he bought liver as well. She ate the liver like Jello! So I ended up cutting it up in smaller pieces since she isn't chewing it.We wanna try other raw foods like heart, marrow, and chicken feet. I'm still getting used to the idea of feeding her raw but she likes it so much. Her teeth feels clean after having raw food. They don't feel slimy at all. Her breath smells better too. As much as she like eating her raw chicken she refuses to touch it. When I stopped holding the chicken leg for her she wouldn't hold it she backs up a little bit every time it would get near her. The first time she had chicken legs, she ate the meat first. Now she'll eat some meat and then go for the bone. I guess the bone is the best part.


  1. Was trying raw in response to allergies? I am the owner of Arya's brother, Kai, and I'm worried that Kai may be getting allergies (he's been biting his paws lately and scratching more than normal, and since he's on Trifexis I don't think he could have fleas). We're going to try eliminating grains, but Kai is a picky eater so we'll see how it goes...

  2. Arya can be a bit picky with her food also. Well, picky might not be the right word for it. We think she gets bored of her food because, at times, she only eats when she absolutely has to. She'll go all day without eating. We know she likes her kibble because we use it as treat/rewards when train her and she gobbles it up.

    We chose to give her some raw to change up her monotonous menu. We give her a drumstick or chicken wing every couple of days. She hasn't shown any adverse effects to this slight menu change.

    Arya has been scratching and biting herself often but I never thought of it as anything but normal dog activity. Like you, we never thought of it as fleas since Arya's been given her monthly flea meds religiously.

  3. Going raw is a great decision! I wish I had started Bowdu that young. Good that at least one of you is staying on top of the research though. There's a lot to learn. I'm still finding out new things about how to prepare well-balanced diets at home.
